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Google: De GEO motor onder elk eco-systeem

16 mei 2024


Google locatie intelligentie 

Weinigen weten waarom Google ruim 20 jaar geleden in Geodata en GIS is gestapt en dat daarom de cloud oplossingen en datacenters duurzaam zijn. Over deze drive en natuurlijk de GEO/GIS & analyse-tooling, hoe deze aansluit op OpenSource platformen als QGIS en meer, krijgen we inzichten in een tweetal diepgaande presentaties.

Natuurlijk komen Nederlandse gebruikers en dito voorbeelden voorbij deze middag en geven je een beeld van de mogelijkheden.

Samen met Google en de Nederlandse Google partner Localyse hebben we een interessante KennisKring bijeenkomst samengesteld die plaatsvond op het Google hoofdkantoor in Amsterdam.

Klik op de links als je meer wil weten over Google Cloud-oplossingen en Geotools & data voor de publieke sector.


How and Why Google ‘created’ the location intelligence engine  | Yishai Lurie - sustainability specialist | Google
Yishai has updated us on Earth Engine, Maps & Geoanalytics. Ever since 2005 Google develops tools to analyze the Earth's surface; designed to map and keep track of the damage caused by humans; It involves so much information that it is impossible for a human being to understand what cause and effect are. So there is a need for tools to be able to do that. .
Presentation Yishai Lurie

Introduction to Google Cloud  | Roderick Schaefer - customer engineer | Google 
Is my data safe with Google? How does processing and storage of huge collections of (geospatial) data translate into sustainability goals?
This introduction to Google Cloud addressed these questions and relevant topics like sovereignty, compliance and security. Roderick showed how Google Cloud is transforming industries, with a special focus on the unique needs of the public sector.  

Presentatie Roderick Schaefer

Vegetation monitor   |  Rik van Neer -
adviseur monitoring | Rijkswaterstaat

Rijkswaterstaat annually assesses the development of vegetation along the Maas and Rhine in the Netherlands. This is done to prevent obstruction of the river flow in the Delta. Using Google Earth Engine's vast array of satellite images in the Vegetation Monitor, maintenance organizations and inspection agencies can now monitor larger areas with less capacity, monitor specific areas without being physically present, and monitor in near real time how the vegetation develops. 
Presentation Rik van Neer

Soil for life - Nutriënten Management Instituut   | Sven Verweij - project manager | NMI Agro
Nutrient Management Institute (NMI) is a knowledge and advisory agency. NMI translates technically substantive knowledge about soil into practical tools. Our mission is a sustainable, climate-resilient agriculture in balance with the natural environment. We combine research, practical knowledge and a wealth of data to contribute to solving the complex issues facing our society. Sven showed us how the Google Earth Engine and Cloud help in this research by gathering data and using machine learning models.
Presentation Sven Verweij

Places - actual data on the spot available  | Jeffrey Benning - country manager & Eline van Straaten - consultant |  Localyse NL
Jeffrey and Eline shared a show reel of Dutch business insights. Including solutions for "natural values" monitoring and traffic/logistics applications. They also addressed the actuality of public data and how Places can add crucial value to your process / monitoring / reporting challenges. What do 50 miljoen updates per day mean? And as special topic Eline went into Gen-AI .. !  
Presentation Jeffrey Benning & Eline van Straaten

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